Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Can a RealDoll's fingers close and grip

22.   Can a RealDoll's fingers close and grip?
  SeeRealDoll fingers have internal wires that allow you to pose the hands, close them and make them hold very light items. The grip is not strong and the fingers should be handled with care.

23.   Can a SeeRealDoll support itself enough to do it "doggy" style?
  No, you will need to use a support to assist the weight distribution for doggy style. The SeeRealDoll shoulder, elbow and knee joints do not lock and the dolls cannot support their own weight. We recommend supporting the dolls upper body with pillows to assure that this position will be maintained during use. Posing the doll over a table or sofa also allows for doggy style positions.

24.   Can the dolls stand upright, unsupported?
  RealDolls cannot stand upright unsupported. The skeletal system is too flexible and collapsible to allow a doll to stand upright. The doll has the poise and relaxed state of a sleeping girl. The skeleton will hold a position as long as there is not a strong force against it, such as gravity. We try to shoot many of our photos of the dolls without supports but in some images the supports have been removed for artistic quality. Dolls can be suspended on chains from the neck bolt on a beam or joist, or they can be supported on stands. The doll can sit unsupported in some positions.

25.   Can my doll sit, stand, and hold poses?
  Yes, you can pose your doll in most positions an average person can achieve without pain. The dolls cannot support their own weight, however, and will sometimes require a stand or support for certain poses. The doll can hold the pose you put it in as long as no strong forces are applied to the limbs in that pose.

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